Accommodations are available at the Palace Lodge – 304-843-1600 Ext. 111. The Lodge is 40 feet away from the kirtan.
There is also lawn space for tent camping. Bathrooms and showers are available through the Lodge. Please contact the Lodge if you plan to camp.
Other area hotels (about 30 minutes drive) are available also. For a listing, please visit the Wheeling Visitors Bureau or see below.
Wheeling, WV Lodging
Hampton Inn
795 National Road, Wheeling, WV 26003 (Oglebay Exit)
(304) 233-0440
Wheeling Super 8 Motel
2400 National Road, Wheeling, WV 26003
(304) 243-9400 • 800-800-8000
McLure city center hotel
1200 Market Street, Wheeling, WV 26003
(304) 232-0300 • Fax: (304) 233-1653
Oglebay Resort & Conference Center
Route 88 North, Wheeling, WV 26003
(304) 243-4090 • 800-624-6988
203 S. Front Street, Wheeling, WV 26003
Minutes from I-70, exit 1A on Wheeling Island
(304) 312-2470
SpringHill Suites Wheeling
908 National Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
(304) 232-8903 Fax: (304) 232-8904
Triadelphia, WV Lodging
675 Fort Henry Road, Triadelphia, WV 26059
(304) 547-0610
Holiday Inn Express Wheeling East
87 Jenkins Lane, Exit 11 Off I-70, Triadelphia, WV 26059
(304) 547-1380 • Fax: (304) 547-9270
Glen Dale, West Virginia Lodging
Bonnie Dwaine Bed & Breakfast
505 Wheeling Ave., Glen Dale, WV 26038
(304) 845-7250 • 888-507-4569 (Reservations Only)
BETHANY, West Virginia Lodging
Routes 88 and 67-PO Box 489, Bethany, WV 26032
(304) 829-4343 • Toll Free: 866-829-4343
[…] Now | Accommodations | Directions | […]
Dear Gauravani Prabhu and friends,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I have a few suggestions for this year’s 24-hour kirtan. I know they are late on arrival, so maybe they can be considered for the following year.
Please lose the stage. The stage may mean that more devotees can see the “performers”, but it automatically sets up an artificial barrier between those on the stage and off. We don’t perform arati kirtan for the Deities from a stage. We are one big kirtan group. We are all engaged in kirtan for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Vrndavana Chandra.
Of course, outside of the temple is a little different matter. But everything inside the temple must especially be done for the pleasure of the Deities.
I saw last year that some devotees onstage were afflicted with “performer consciousness.” They were busy drawing attention to themselves. It was embarrassing, and sends the wrong message to the other participants. The previous year, however, we had no stage in the temple room and it was very nice.
We will have more and more people attending who are not officially devotees, who are coming from other yoga groups and traditions. They will watch us closely and they should experience something different and uplifting. They should go away with the deepest impression that the kirtan is for Krsna’s pleasure. This, as you well know, is the difference between the kirtan of non-devotees and our kirtan. Another suggestion: since this is kirtan for the satisfaction of the Lord, anyone on the perimeter playing a loud musical instrument, such as a horn, should be able to stay in basic tune or be requested not to play. There was one Indian gentleman whose horn playing was absolutely atrocious. You can hear his agonizingly bad playing on some of the recordings. While we do not object to anyone’s singing out of tune, we should discourage the poor playing of very loud instruments, such as trumpets.
And one more: I think your suggested donation of $54 is too high. Not that I’m against suggesting a donation. It’s a good idea, but the donation should be modest. Don’t worry; you’ll get plenty of donations if you set it more reasonably: say, $25 or $30.
I make this last suggestion as someone who attends other events at New Vrindavana, such as the Festival of Inspiration, where the donation (per person!) is set at $160!!! That can quickly add up for a family.
And considering the fact that you will have devotees attending from far and wide, it may be nice to lessen the expense burden a little for them.
Hope this finds you well. We live for Krsna kirtan!
Your servant,
Pancha Tattva dasa
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Dear Panca Tattva prabhujee, PAMHO!
Regarding to the stage inside the temple, I totally agree with you! Kirtanyas should interact with everyone and naturally kirtan becomes more powerful! SANKIRTAN ( everyone together! ).
Hari Hari bol
Vaikuntha Murti Das
24 Hours Kirtan Brazil
[…] Now | Accommodations | Directions | […]
Hare Krishna ! please contact me if you have informacion about bus transportacion, from northen Virginia to the new Vrindaban wesr Virginia, thankyou.I know there is more people like me that can’t drive 6 hours along from fairfax Virginia.
What is your nearest greyhound or amtrak station? Greyhound comes straight to Wheeling and Amtrak to Pittsburgh. Also check with others in your area or who might drive through Fairfax.
I agree with Pancha Tattva prabhu. I made the same observation last year and in my humble opinion, there should be no stage. We are glorifying the holy name only. Not the performers.
Definitely there should be no stage. And I agree also about the part regarding loud instruments being played off key.
Are there some motels in Moundsville? If so can we get their contact info?
Hare Krishna Prabhus,
I understand the sentiments about the stage creating a barrier between the audience and the performers, but just as Pancha Tattva Das pointed out, there are new people/ non-devotees attending, they will not go away with “the deepest impression” if they have to crane their necks straining to see who is playing for the entire time, it takes away from the experience of being able to lose one’s self in the vibration of the Holy Name. For the sake of effective preaching the stage should remain. Krishna will understand, after all Lord Chaitanya came to spread the Holy Name to every town and village. . . “by any means necessary”
[…] Now | Accommodations | Directions | Schedule | […]
I’m coming! I can hardly wait. I was at the 2010 Kartik 24HK and it was an experience I’ll never forget. The last time, though, that I was at a summer 24HK was 2008. It’s about time. I hope I can get to play flute in some of the kirtans.
I really like what Panca Tattva wrote above. It couldn’t have been said in a nicer way.
[…] Now | Accommodations | Directions | Schedule | […]
Gaura Vani Prabhu, if you’re replying to all of these comments, just so you know, we cant exactly see them… 🙁 this is all we get – 24 Hour Kirtan – Summer 2010 | says:
May 21, 2010 at 5:28 pm
[…] Now | Accommodations | Directions | […] and it cuts off right there…. im sure im speaking for everyone here – we’d love to see what you have to say! 🙂 Haribol!
@Anonymous, It’s actually not a comment from Gaura Vani Prabhu, it’s a “Track Back” Comment signifying that has linked to this page.